FHM Philippines' 100th issue

    FHM Philippines' issue this November, 2008 is extra special as it is their 100th issue featuring 5 of the most sought-after models in the country.

    After her debut in the mag last May, 2008, Precious Adona is back in the cover this time with 4 first-time FHM Cover Girls.

    In time with the airing of Pinoy Fear Factor next month, Gail Nicolas, who is one of the show's contestants, is also on the latest FHM issue and with this double treat, I must say, she has a promising career ahead of her.

    Other girls in the 100th cover are Joyce So, Jacq Yu and Cherry Ann Kubota.
    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2008/10/fhm-philippines-100th-issue.html
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