Jasmine Villegas, excited of her RP visit

    I am so lucky to get a message directly from Jasmine Villegas after I made a post about her Philippine tour this month.

    Jasmine is scheduled to arrive in the Philippines by May 5 and according to her, she is so excited and can't wait to see her Filipino fans.

    Here's Jasmine's message straight from my inbox:

    i cant wait to go there..
    im so excited...
    wow thanks for writing me and i hope all is well with you..
    i know that theres going to be alot work while im there..
    i hope to see you guys there..
    i love you guys too...
    God bless!!!


    Source URL: https://mykiru1.blogspot.com/2008/05/jasmine-villegas-excited-of-her-rp.html
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